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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Sun/Heat vs. Chemo"

I was going to blog last night about our continued exercise but my body had other intentions, going to bed. Jordan, Susan and I took off Tuesday afternoon to go biking around 4:30pm. It seemed like a great idea until I got home. My body began to go into shut down mode and I knew I had over done it. Well I didn't feel that I had over done it, but being in the sun and heat after having chemo the week before was not a good idea. I was afraid I had messed up and wasn't sure how quickly I would recover. I am thankful to say after going to bed early last night, I woke up refreshed this morning and had no side effects from the day before. To God be the glory, great things He has done.

Me, Jordan and Susan Tucker

Another blessing of being bald, you don't have to worry about a bike helmet messing up your hair. We will continue our exercise and if biking is part of it, we will go later in the evening when it cools off. I already knew that the sun and heat was not good for me when going through chemo, but since our temperatures haven't been in the 100's lately, I felt it had cooled off.

On a side note, if I hadn't had surgery a few months back, I would swear that I was pregnant. I've been craving Dairy Queens snack size chicken basket with gravy and french fries. I have eaten there 3 times in the last week. It's not the healthiest meal, but I am so grateful to have an appetite and Dr. Ivy told me from the beginning of my diagnosis, "If it tastes good, eat it!"

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

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