We divide into Community groups where all the adults (around 6,000+) are in one large room. We then divide into Family Groups of 8. It is amazing how this process always works out. Jordan and I were in the same group with 6 others. We all introduced ourselves and shared where we were from. I shared of how my life was so different from a year ago. The leader of our group, Ryan, immediately shared with me about one of he and his wife's best friends who was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in September at only 34 years of age. People can say this is a coincidence, I say my God is Sovereign over all things and He put our paths together in this small group. Ryan committed that the group would pray over me every time we met, which was twice a day. What a blessing to be with complete strangers at the beginning of the week and 3 days later, you feel a family connection. So thankful God allowed our paths to cross. I now have a new friend to pray for that I will probably never meet, going through the same things I am or have gone through.
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Danny, Ryan, Kasey, Casey, Jordan, Elizabeth & Me |
I went in for a routine lab work today to check my red & white blood cell count and platelets. The nurse seemed surprised how good my numbers were after my new dose of chemo. I wasn't a bit surprised but very grateful for how good I have felt with no side effects from the last round of chemo. To be in a crowd of over 60,000 people all week and to walk away feeling good. I believe the God of Angel Armies went before me and stood behind me-I am rejoicing!!!!
I realized the last day we were in Atlanta worshiping, that my biggest desire is to be healed and free from cancer. I still desire that, but I also realize every day is a new gift from the Lord and He never promised us a tomorrow. I feel a weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing God is the One sovereign over all my days and any anxiety or worries are not from Him. Matthew 6:25-34 has a lot of truth about fear and worry and letting go and letting God take care of us. vs. 34 "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
just wanted to check in & let you know I was thinking about you. I've missed hearing from you this week. I want you to know that I am thankful for your heart & the way you have chosen to love Jesus through this process. It's an encouragement to watch & a true example of how we are to live our lives. One more thing. I'm sure you've heard it but if not check out the song Even If by Kutless. I heard it on the radio & it brought me to tears. Our pastor is just starting his journey with cancer. This song made me think of him. It's one of those love/hate things. You hate that the healing may not come in the way I think it should but you LOVE that you know that the healing will come because you are a child of God. It makes you so thankful to know that He is God & He is good. If you have some time you may want to check out our pastors sermons. He's been out since Thanksgiving but has been able to preach the past two Sunday's. Last Sunday was entitled "It's good to be back" & this Sunday was "Fear or Faith". He also did one right before Thanksgivg (and about a week before his diagnosis) entitled "No matter what" that was pretty incredible too. The website is www.temple-ruston.org. Sorry I've rambled! I just had a lot to share! I hope you have a good week & I look forward to reading from you!