Our Family

Our Family


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Monday, July 30, 2012

"A Phone Call Can Change Your Life"

It is amazing what a simple phone call can do to change your life. I know with my past, there have been a few phone calls they have changed my family's outcome on how we view things, whether it was a good phone call or bad.

Today I waited for two separate phone calls from my family. I was waiting to hear from my mom about a doctor's appointment for my dad and I was also waiting to hear from Jenna about a situation with Hudson. My dad has been in a lot of pain and went to the doctor last week and things didn't turn out the way he had hoped. He went in for a complete bone scan then was told he needed to have blood work. They weren't sure if he could get into the doctor soon enough to go over the results because his doctor had moved and he had no doctor to see. After a few phone calls, they were able to get him scheduled today to see a different doctor (that in itself was a miracle). We weren't sure what the blood work or body scan showed and waited until 5:30pm today to receive the news. Everything checked out great for him and not to minimize his pain, they think he has a kidney stone. Never knew you could be grateful for a kidney stone, but today I think we were all rejoicing that this could be causing his pain.

Hudson fell off the couch today and hit his head and not long after, he threw up. Jenna called the doctor and they wanted to see him right away. After he was examined by Dr. Byrum, I received the phone call that he is fine and there is nothing to worry about.

I am thankful that I really wasn't worried about either phone call because I knew Who was in control and sovereign over this day. God may not always answer the way we want Him to, but I do know He listens to our prayers and He is seated on His throne and already had this day planned out. My hope continues to be in Jesus Christ and all He has already done for me and my family. I am so thankful that I can rest in Him. Psalms 33:21-22 "For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you."

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"Tennis Reunion"

I was reunited today with some great tennis friends from 1999. My family moved to Bentonville in 1997 and soon after I began playing tennis. I joined a tennis team and the first year we played, in 1999, our team won state. We had fun at lunch today talking about the days that seem long ago. I feel we all look the same, minus my bald head, just seems like all of our kids grew up and are older looking now. It was such a blessing spending time together and there were others not there that I would have loved to have seen. God takes us all on different journeys in our lives and I am thankful for the season of my life to have great memories of these friends. Ecclesiastes 3:1 "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."

Yolanda, Keely, Lisa, Myrna, Imelda, Anna, Me, Cathy

Pictures from 1999 below:

Lisa Frank, Me and Cathy Faber
Courtney, Yolanda, Me, Joan, Imelda, Linda , Ann, Myrna, Tina, Lisa, Keely, Jeff
Imelda (Love that smile)

On a huge side note; thankful for the blessing of rain today!!!

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Monday, July 23, 2012

"Miracles in Aurora"

I went in today for my lab work and all my counts were close to being on target of being in the normal range. My chemo was 11 days ago and they always have me to go in around the 10th day after to make sure all my blood work is where it needs to be. I walked out of Highlands Oncology singing "To God be the glory, great things He has done." I am so thankful for all God is doing in my body and for the continued grace He has given me on this journey.

This morning I read in Psalms 10:16-18 "The Lord is king forever and ever; the nations perish from his land. O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more." I highlighted in the margin of my bible Aurora, CO 2012

This afternoon Jordan sent me an email with this link below to read. Not sure how many have read this story but I felt it was worth posting on my blog to encourage us all of what a mighty God we serve and that He is still doing miracles today. If you woke up breathing, consider that a miracle. Highlight and right click the link below to open in a new tab:


"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Saturday, July 21, 2012

"Jordan Tiffany Leigh Buettemeyer"

July 22nd, 1988 God blessed me with an angel who her dad and I named Jordan Tiffany Leigh Buettemeyer. I had my boy first just like I had hoped for and I was really wanting a little girl the second time around. I never had ultrasounds with either pregnancy so we had to wait until the day of to know what we were having. I arrived at the hospital early because my labor was so short with Bryan, I was thinking it would go quicker the second time. The doctor came in at 8:00am and broke my water and at 8:44am I heard the words "it's a girl" and my dream became reality. That day was the beginning of an amazing journey God had planned for giving me the blessing of a beautiful daughter. Jordan has always been a blessing to be around. I couldn't have asked for a better mother/daughter relationship than what we have had. We've always enjoyed being together and never tire of each others company. She is 24 today and we still love our time together. We live together, work together and hang out together. I know what we have isn't normal for most moms and daughters but it is our "normal". Jordan has always been a "pleaser". I can count on 2 fingers when our relationship has been a little off.

Jordan has committed her life to follow Jesus Christ and her insides match her outside beauty. She reaches out to others when others wouldn't give them a second chance. Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

Love this little girl so much!!!
She's never been afraid of heights.
Preschool Days

She is such a cutie!!!!!

I am so thankful that God has allowed Jordan and I to be together during this season of my life. She could have been in Africa, another state or somewhere else in Arkansas but God kept us together. We've always been told how much we look a like. To me that is an honor because I don't see it, but I do see that my daughter is beautiful and I love that she is not ashamed of me.


The beginning of a new journey together.

Jordan thank you for 24 amazing years! Thank you for being a daughter anyone would love to have but I am the one blessed to be called your mom. I couldn't be more proud of the young woman you have become and I look forward to seeing all God has in store for your future. I love you so much!!! Mom

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
When skies are grey,
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away.

Happy Birthday!!!!

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

"Can I Make A Difference"

The tragedy that happened in Aurora, CO is something we would only expect to see in movies. Why is it okay to watch a movie about evil, but when it is reality it is devastating. I have no idea who this 24 year old young man is or what he could have been thinking. My prayer is for all the victim's families that no longer have their loved ones with them. The things in life we take for granted everyday like the freedom to go see a movie and not have to worry if someone will be there to end your life while you are there. I am reading a book right now called "Castaway Kid". It is about a man that was dropped off in an orphanage home at the age of 3 and how his life was affected by all those around him. How many times are we out in the world and don't even take a second to see the hurt of others or pretend we have no hurts ourselves. We have choices to make everyday, to wake up and live our lives for ourselves or for our Creator. This 24 year old that took so many lives was once a baby, toddler, teenager and now a young adult. Where did our society fail in someone reaching out to him along the way. How many youth come through our youth ministry that are starving for attention but no one notices because they are "different". I know sin began with Adam and Eve and we will always have sin and evil in our world until Christ returns but how can I as an individual do my part to help those that are hurting? How many people go through everyday life without a hug, a word of encouragement or just a simple smile from others. We are quick to judge the body piercings, tattoos, clothing issues or lack of, yet the bible says in Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that you be not judged." I am so guilty of judging others and prideful to think my life is better, but it is all because of God's grace and goodness that I have been given the life I have.

Here is God's Golden Rule:
Matthew 7:12-14 "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

There are many that think believing in God gets them into heaven but that is not the case. His word says the path that leads to destruction will have many going there, but the gate that leads to life are few. I want my life to draw others to Jesus Christ and to count for His glory. Since I have been diagnosed with cancer and have become bald, I cannot tell you how many strangers are so nice to me. Why do people have to go through suffering before we acknowledge their lives and reach out to them.
My diagnosis has caused me to see others in a different "light" and maybe I see others differently and I've become kinder. Whatever the case, I want to see others the way God sees them and treat them with kindness and not judge. You never know when a simple smile may be all that someone is needing for the day. I want to make a difference for the Kingdom!!

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Joplin Day #3"

This was our last day in Joplin. Very proud of our students and the work that was put in these past 3 days. Today was another day of spray painting fire hydrants for half of the team and clearing a lot for the rest of the group. Not sure how many kids have gone home with red, yellow and green spray paint on their bodies and on their clothes, but it was worth it to be able to help out in some small way. (Pray the paint comes out of the car seats, floor mats and other interior places). So thankful for the safe travels there each day and a big shout out to our adults that helped transport students. Richard Knipple was our bus driver along with Kristen Shepard, Melissa Withrow, Donna Brown, Fanya Scantling and Ginger Lawson driving vehicles.

Heather Wills, Kelsey Tompkins and Jordan (3 of my favorite girls!!)
Heather, Caitlin, Katrina, Kelsey, Danielle and Mary Claire

While the girls in my car were painting, a lady from City of Joplin stopped by to take their picture. She said she was the one in charge of this project and was proud to see our team out working.

Katrina, Caitlin, Lady from the city, Danielle, & Mary Claire

Loved having these girls for the past 2 days. I decided a break at McDonald's was a treat deserved!!
Katrina, Caitlin, Heather, Me, Danielle & Mary Claire

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Joplin Day #2"

What a blessing to wake up to another day of God's amazing grace. I am so thankful I have been allowed the chance to drive to Joplin with our youth group to serve the Joplin community again. We reported to AmeriCorps and received our assignments. One team went to help clean a man's farm that was devastated by the tornadoes and had no insurance to cover his loss. The other groups were sent out all over town to spray paint the tops of fire hydrants. We were each given maps that had the colors we were to paint the hydrants. I never knew different color hydrants represented the pressure amount. We have students from 7th through 12th grade participating and it's a blessing watching them serve others. When we arrived back to our youth building I had received a message on my blog from Jenny (someone from Joplin that I have never met) with this comment from yesterday's post: As a resident of Joplin I want to thank you so very much for coming to help in the clean up. While you may not feel like you did much by cleaning up those lots you have no idea how much you really did. It means so much to those of us who are residents in this town! We very very much appreciate your help. What a blessing you have been to us to come and help us clean up the mess that even after a year is still there. We have made great progress but it was a huge mess and it will take many years to completely clean up so thank you for coming for two summers to help us out! Thank you Jenny for lifting our spirits and for taking the time to encourage our group. Your message will be read to all the students in the morning.

Never knew it took this many to paint a fire hydrant!

Studio 412 Joplin Mission Team!!

A job well done by this group!

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Monday, July 16, 2012

"Joplin Mission 2012"

Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Every summer church groups have opportunities to go all over the United States or into other countries to share God's love. Our youth group has been given a chance to share God's love this week close to our own backyard. We went to Joplin, MO last summer after the destruction of the tornado that hit that town and we are able to go back again this year. We divided into 2 teams and worked at separate empty lots. The assignment: go and clean the lots off with anything larger than a golf ball. The students made piles of rocks, wood, grass and trash that will be picked up later. We teamed up with AmeriCorps of Joplin. We have no idea who the lots belonged to and it is sad to think that homes were once sitting on these empty lots with families living in them. I don't know if the students felt they accomplished much but just knowing they were willing to go and get dirty, sweaty, hot and work without anyone ever taking notice was a blessing to me.

Haley, Nicole, Sarah, Jordan, McKenzie and Rylie
Garrett and Kelsey

Before we left Joplin we drove down the street where the Extreme Home Makeovers took place.
This house looks like a life size "doll" house.
"Surfer House"

In the picture below, this nice man was coming out of his house and allowed us to take a picture with him.
Jessica, Madison, Natalie, nice man, Keely, Jordan and Lauren

There has been a lot of clean up done in Joplin. There is still a lot to do and there are many empty lots that were once businesses or houses. It is easy to become disgruntled with your surroundings or homes but how many people of Joplin had their lives changed in a matter of minutes. May I not take for granted having a roof over my head with ac/heat and a bed to sleep in each night along with never worrying about where my next meal will come from.

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Slip Sliding Away"

I wanted to share some fun our youth get to have each summer at Hutch and Maegan's house. A giant slip and slide made out of banners and hay is assembled by our interns and youth guys. You can usually count on a few injuries. Not sure if any happened this year. Bryan, Jordan and Hudson joined in on the fun.

Northwest Arkansas Largest Slip-n-Slide! (View from the top)

View from the bottom!

Not sure it was a good idea letting Jordan bring Hudson down the slide. Can't tell which one is the most scared.

A safe landing!

Bryan and Hudson observing the fun.

I think Hudson enjoyed going down with his daddy more than with Aunt Jordo. His daddy wasn't screaming.

Hudson wanted the slide to himself.

He loved Kampbell's pink car!

True Love!!!

I am thankful for a quiet restful weekend and for the coolness of the air outside.

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"A Bueno Day"

I had my 6th round of chemo today, and all went well! I saw Martha Sheets, former member of FBC, first thing this morning. Her daughter is also going through chemo at Highlands. Always good to catch up with people I haven't seen in awhile. Jordan was my side kick today for chemo. We had our favorite Taco Bueno for lunch and brought movies to watch. I had a great nurse taking care of me. She went to nursing school with my daughter in law Jenna. I didn't even feel her access my port so she gets the "Highlands best nurse award." Tom Hill, a member of our church, sat close by with his wife Penny. He's been an encouragement to so many and is still fighting his battle. If you ever have a bad day or feel sorry for yourself, taking a trip to Highlands Oncology will make you re-evaluate your life.

My new favorite nurse at Highlands!!!! Thank you Destiny for taking such great care of me today.
Jordo and me enjoying Taco Bueno and a movie together.
Tom Hill and me.

After receiving chemo I had a dermatologist appointment down the street for two spots that were on both sides of my nose, close to my eyes. The doctor came in and examined me head to toe and removed one spot off my back. I went back to my car and was talking to Jordan about the appointment and told her I had a spot removed and she asked what the doctor said about my spots on the face. Oops, the doctor never checked the spots I originally went in for. I had to go back in and explain to the ladies at the front desk my situation (chemo side effect is what I blamed it on) so they got me back in and when the doctor saw the spots she knew immediately they were pre-cancerous spots and froze them. It immediately felt like two bees stung me close to my eyes. I'm not sure what my face will look like these next few days, but I might be a little scary to anyone that sees me.

I had a great visit with my friends in Texas, Judy Lynn and Deborah Mae, on a conference call tonight. It was fun catching up with each other. They had sent me a picture earlier wishing we could all be together, so I asked where they ate today. They had Taco Bueno too!!! True friendship so far away.

Deborah Mae and Judy Lynn. Love these two friends a lot!! I warned them, after the fact, that their picture (mug shots) might end up on my blog. I am on chemo and phenegran so you have to be careful when you send me pictures.

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Chemo #6.....But God"

Tomorrow I go in for round #6 of chemo, and today I received a phone call from the Oncologist to let me know my CA125 is down to 83.7. That is a huge praise!! Last chemo I was at 172.2, so my cancer markers went down over half. Each day God continues to give me grace and strength to keep my hope and trust in Him and not in my circumstances. I still believe the faithful prayers of others are what God is hearing and that He is seeing me through each new day that I am blessed with. Tonight Maegan Kufahl brought me the picture below and it was another reminder to me of God's faithfulness.

Thank you Maegan!

Matthew 19:26 "But Jesus looked at them and said, with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." I will never forget the words from Kathy Hedges, an amazing Bible study teacher and dear friend. When someone uses the word "but" in a sentence, it always erases the words said before it. I think the "but God" reminds me Who is in control of everyday of my life and I choose to cling to Him.

"Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Today was a day for celebrating. We took Bryan to "On the Border" for his birthday and missed having Jenna with us. I know her heart was with us.

Bryan, Hudson, Tony, Me and Jordan (We missed you Jenna)

Hudson is already like his daddy, always wanting to look at the I-phone!

Hudson was helping Daddy blow out the candles, and yes the lady at Wal-mart spelled Bryan's name wrong.

Hudson has been super sweet and we have loved having him with us. I know his mommy is missing him while she is on a mission trip in Mexico. He will be so happy to see her again. We all love and miss you Jenna!

I went in for lab work and to see the doctor today. Dr. Waller was very pleased with all my blood work numbers. She said I picked a hard way out of getting my chemo postponed for two weeks by being in the hospital. I am scheduled for round #6 this Thursday. They will call me tomorrow with my cancer markers (CA125). I asked her why my markers went up so much since surgery. The day of my surgery I was at 46 which originally I started at 288. Since my surgery, my numbers were 202, then dropped to 172. She was very positive and explained that my numbers are good compared to what she usually sees. A lot of times her patience are way up in the 1,000 and she didn't want to make light of my numbers but said it was good to see them coming down and not going up. If my numbers are good tomorrow, after this next round of chemo, I will go on the maintenance program which will be once a month and only receive one of the chemo drugs, Taxol. I went back and read what Dr. Ivy said to me and my family the first time we met to discuss my treatment plan and I'm reminded once again how Awesome our God is. Below is what Jenna blogged on that day:

The biggest blessing is one of the last things that the doctor said to us...
That there is "no reason to not expect a complete response".
She is fighting, and she has a BIG God fighting on her side. We know that the battle is just beginning but we also know who has already won.

I am so thankful to have God's constant reminders of His great love for me. I know this journey is not complete but what a blessing to look back over these past 5 months and see how God has already carried me and my family. The peace and strength He has given me has been amazing and I will continue to say, it's called "Grace".
I'm not sure what tomorrow holds with finding out my CA125 number, but I can say;

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."