My friend Theresa and I were able to go to Steak & Shake before chemo today for lunch. This is the first time I have eaten at this location and the food tasted perfect, just like a burger and fries should taste. I even got a chocolate milkshake to go. Oh the joy of enjoying a good American meal before treatment. I ate every bite on my plate! I told myself that when food and water tasted good again, I would appreciate it and not take it for granted.
Me & Theresa (we color coordinated without knowing it-great minds think alike!) |
Today was the second week in a row the nurses had trouble getting blood return from my port. They had to use "Draino" (there's a medical term but this is what it does, unclogs) both weeks to open up the blood flow. This adds about 2 extra hours to my treatment by the time we wait for everything to open up and for the procedures to take place. I know God has a purpose for all things and I am thankful that He has given Theresa and I a mission as we wait together to meet others and hear their stories, then God always allows us to pray with them and their families. We met several new patients today and my heart was so grieved for them. We see and hear so many sad stories. My heart becomes overwhelmed and sometimes it's hard to have words to say to encourage others. For now, God continues to carry me in His arms and shows me such grace and compassion that I in turn want to share it with those I meet. I don't understand the mercy He is giving to me, but I humbly accept it and know that any good in my life is being poured out from Him. After Theresa dropped me back off at work, I got in my car and the song "10,000 Reasons" was on and all I could do was sing and give praises back to my Creator for opening my eyes to all the goodness He is giving to me. We can choose to grumble and complain or we can choose to worship His Holy Name. I'm not sure about my tomorrow, but I can worship Him today for 10,000 reasons and more He gives me everyday.
"Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."
Hi Janet..this is the first time I have responded. I, too, am going through treatment. For breast cancer since last year. I want to say how inspiring you are. I have been "lost" in my faith for quite awhile and your posts are so helpful to me..guiding me back to the goodness and power of our God. I don't read many blogs but it seems the ones I do read are very into Faith..I think God has guided me to find them. Thank you so much for sharing your faith and helping me see the goodness of everything. God bless you and your family!