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Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I was reading in Acts this morning of when Peter was put into prison. While Peter was sleeping between two soldiers and bound with two chains and guards were at the entrance of the prison, an angel woke him and led him past all of the impossible things that should have kept him there. But while he was in prison, the church was praying for him. Acts 12:5 "So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church". After Peter came to himself and realized he wasn't dreaming but that God had delivered him, Acts 12:11 "Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me....". God spoke to me and reminded me of how important prayer and His people and the church are in our lives. These past few months have come and gone so quickly and I don't want to take one second for granted of all that God has done. If you wonder if miracles still happen today, I can testify that I am a part of His miracle. He has heard the prayers of so many and he has kept his angels watching over my life and for some reason decided to spare my life and show me such grace. I'm not sure where my life would be today without God and his people's prayers. Thank you to all those that have chosen to be on this journey with me, have prayed for me and continue to pray. I haven't shared this with many but today Leon Walden stopped by, I shared with him about when I felt God's healing begin in my life. It was at our youth girls' event called "String of Pearls" and we had two young ladies leading worship. On Friday night of the worship service as I began singing the worship songs, I began picturing Jesus healing me at that very moment. From then on, when I sang worship songs, I truly felt God healing me. Not sure how many times in our lives we get to see or witness miracles or much less be a part of His miracles. I am humbled by the fact that I have now been a part of two miracles in my life. I'll never understand why He has chosen or allowed me to be a part of these miracles and all I know that I want each day I live to count for Him.

My friend, Theresa Bonds came by after work and it was great visiting with her. LaDonna and Sydney Combs brought us dinner tonight so the whole family and Theresa benefited from a wonderful meal.

After the great word "Remarkable" was delivered from my surgery, the network began to get the news out by this crew of people :)

This is my sleeping arrangement for now. The recliner in the den with 3 pillows. Tony tucks me in each night. :)

Jordan gave her testimony this morning for the women's ministry and did a beautiful job honoring the Lord. She also sang a song "You Revive Me" with Andy Muskrat. How blessed I was to be able to go and hear her and how proud I am as her mom to know that God is doing great things in her life.

Jordo, Hudson and Me

"Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it".

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