We've already had a great weekend because Hudson came over Friday afternoon and spent the night with us and was able to stay all day today. GPa and Hudson made a trip to Wal-mart after breakfast to buy Hudson a "dig". Anytime you ask Hudson if he wants to go to Wal-mart his response is "YEA"!
The whole family was together to celebrate David's (Jordan's boyfriend) birthday Friday night. Tony made his famous steaks that we all love. We are thankful David is back in Bentonville for the summer and will be working as a youth intern at our church. Hudson also loved hanging out on the trampoline with David and Jordan.
Here's a funny story; my last chemo that I posted on my blog included a picture that was taken of Jordan and I that had "home girl" in the background with a woman asleep. We just found out this week that she is an aunt to Ashley Hester, a friend of ours at church. You have to be careful what you say or post on your blog because you never know who is reading. Luckily Ashley thought it was hilarious and I pray her Aunt Sandy will be okay with it as well.
I am thankful today for the steadfast love of the Lord. He continues to show me so much love and grace everyday. There are days when it would be easy to grumble and complain about life but I also know God doesn't want us living in the "wilderness" like the Israelites did. He provided everything they needed yet they found reasons to continue to doubt God's provisions and wanted to turn back. My prayer is that I never look back and question "why" but may I keep my eyes ahead and looking up and my heart will be grateful for all He has done and continues to do in my life. There are days when I wonder if life will be normal again but then I wonder, what is "normal" ? I think normal is waking up and trusting that God is sovereign and knowing no matter what the day holds, He's in complete control and find rest in His grace. We aren't promised tomorrow, so why not make the best of the day He has given me.
"Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."
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