I was told I would need shots for three days this week to build back up my white blood cell count. I went in Tuesday after leaving the hospital and again Wednesday. On the way to get another shot today I was talking to my friend Julie Gabardi and made a comment that I would love it if God would surprise the nurse and let my counts be up. She had commented on Tuesday that I would probably need all 3 shots and if it was anywhere close to being border line she would give it to me. She met me today with a big smile after my lab work was done and said I wouldn't be needing shot #3. I immediately told her how great our God is and that His grace is amazing. I cried with the great news but was able to tell her my tears were tears of joy. My white blood cell count went from 2.2 on Tuesday to 8.1 today. The normal range is 3.4-9.8 I looked back over all my previous counts, and this is the highest my WBC has ever been. It wasn't even close to being "border line". We have a plaque in our bedroom that says "Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing God will." My faith continues to grow because of all God's goodness. I believe if I can praise Him through the storms in my life, how much greater can I praise Him in the blessings He pours out! Psalms 73:28 "But as for me, it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works."
Grandma wanted to treat the grand kids to Red Lobster tonight for dinner. And for those of you who know Grandma and why she really loves Red Lobster, the answer to your question is, "No she did not get a Pina Colada." Thank you Grandma for treating us!
We ended our day with going to the Splash Park.
"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."