Our Family

Our Family


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Thursday, July 25, 2013


Jordan and I went in late this afternoon for manicures and pedicures.  I didn't realize it until after I got there, I had another free pedicure waiting on me.  Thank you Elaine for spoiling me.  The blessings continue to fall upon me and I am so grateful for God's amazing love and grace shown through others.  As I was sitting in the chair getting my nails done, John the owner told me I looked "chunky".  I had to laugh knowing that he didn't mean anything bad by saying that, he was giving me a compliment.  Over the past several months I have been able to put on some weight and for that I am so thankful.  When the food tastes good, I make sure to enjoy every bite and love that I can swallow water in gulps! 

Tony has been out of town for the past two days and hasn't had a chance to go visit his mom, aka "Grandma".  I asked Bryan, Jenna, Jordan and David if they would like to go and see her.  The saddest part about us seeing her tonight is the fact that we have neglected our visits with her.  She sits day in and out in a very small room and we live less than 20 minutes away and have chosen not to be better family members.  We have church members that have spent more time with Grandma than any of us have, except for Tony.  I used to be over our Women's ministry visitation program and loved visiting the elderly.  I never understood why people that had family in town never had visits from their own family members and  felt so lonely.  James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this:  to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."  I wish there was a better excuse for not visiting Grandma other than selfishness, but there isn't one.  I am not patting myself on the back at all for going out to see her tonight, I shamefully admit that I am sorry for the lost time that has been wasted. 

Hudson was happy to see her and wanted to help Uncle David push her in the wheelchair.  A funny story while we were in the lobby visiting, an elderly couple came and sat on some chairs, and out of no where Grandma said "look at them smooching on each other."  I thought she was seeing things, but Jenna saw the couple smooching too.  We had to laugh that Grandma called them out.  It always amazes me that old people have no problem stating the fact out loud whether you want to hear it or not. 

Hudson helping Uncle Dave push Grandma

Bryan,Hudson,Jenna, Grandma, Jordan, Rhett & David
I am thankful for the time spent with my family tonight and thankful that we have a forgiving God. 

"Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so glad you are gaining weight and what sweet words regarding time with your MIL. It's never intentional that we allow things like to happen, but I guess we need to make it intentional that we do them. I have several widows in our church on my heart and I so need to go and visit them and bring a ray of sunshine to their lives. Great post!
