My Daddy at our house several years ago |
My dad broke his wrist on December 31, 2012. Soon after he went into the hospital for an outpatient surgery to fix the broken bones, he had to be placed in ICU on a ventilator. I was able to fly to West Texas to be with my family and see my dad each day struggling for life with a machine breathing for him. Who would have thought a broken wrist could turn into such a complicated situation. His lung doctor told the family that we needed to consider what would my dad really want, and would being on a ventilator be something he would desire. My parents had papers drawn up a long time ago stating that they did not want to be put on a ventilator/breathing machine. No one in the family wanted to make a decision of choosing life or death for my dad. We prayed and were trusting that God would take care of my dad's days that He had already ordained for him. Soon after I came back home, my dad was slowly taken off the ventilator and moved into a regular hospital room. He was put into a rehab facility at the end of February. We were concerned that he might have dementia because he couldn't seem to comprehend anything or make sense. My sister-in-law works with home health care and during a visit asked the nurse if they had checked my dad for a UTI (urinary tract infection). She has seen many patients that have a UTI experience confusion that goes along with it. They checked him and sure enough that is what was going on. After several days of being on an antibiotic his mind cleared up. I am so thankful to say that today, my dad was able to walk into his own home and be with my mom again. He will have home health care several days a week, but at least he is home and he beat the odds of what the doctors thought would never happen. God still performs miracles!!
My daddy today-Home Sweet Home!!! |
Yesterday I did not know the results of my CA125 marker (cancer markers) It usually takes a full day or two to get the results. My doctor thought they would know by the end of the day yesterday, but I never received a phone call. I called Highlands Oncology this morning and found out my markers had dropped a little over 50 points. I went from 291.7 to 239.1. What a reason to celebrate that God is answering prayers and a great work continues to take place with my healing. Jordan, Heather and I went this afternoon to celebrate with yogurt. I told the lady at Yum Yo's we were celebrating and she wanted to know why and I told her about my markers, so she celebrated and gave us a discount and celebrated with us. We got back to work and I received a phone call from a random number and almost didn't answer but decided to see who it was. It was my doctor calling with the great news. The nurse is the one that normally calls, but the Dr wanted to tell me herself. I told her that I had cheated and already called but I wanted to hear her tell me the number anyways. She was so excited that after 2 treatments of chemo my numbers had dropped so much. What a blessing to have a doctor that takes the time to call and give me great news and to genuinely care about her patient.
Deuteronomy 2:7 "For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He knows your going through the great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing." I am thankful that God doesn't leave me alone but has been with me every step of the way and I can say I have never lacked anything in my life. His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness
"Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."
New Day new morning new life...:)
ReplyDeleteGreat post
pet meds
Praying that the power of our Resurrected Lord will speak Life into every cell in your body. Thank you for sharing your journey. You bless a pastor's wife in SC.
ReplyDeleteI have never commented, but when I saw your dad struggled with a UTI, I had to. My mom also struggled and because my brother is in the healthcare field, he was very aware of what a UTI can do to an elderly person. I wish this would be more widely publicized. It can wreak havoc on them. Unfortunately, my mom was resistant to virtually all antibiotics.
ReplyDeleteI also appreciate how important you feel modesty is! We work hard with our grand-daughters, and grand- sons!
My husband was recently diagnosed with cancer and is about to end week three of treatments.
Oh, my heart is rejoicing over this great news! God is so good and I pray your numbers continue to decline and your are restored to full health. May you have a glorious Easter with your family celebrating our Savior. Hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteJanet, my daughter, Kelly, keeps me apprised of your treatment and today I have tears in my eyes rejoicing with you over your good news, both about your sweet Daddy and your remarkable numbers!
ReplyDeleteI have prayed for you and will continue to pray! You have been such a great role-model for my daughter and I know so many others also. You are very loved!
Be strong and courageous for the Lord is holding you in His hands!
How beautiful that in the trials of life, you get such a blessed and wonderful day! Your dad looks so happy. Wishing you a very Blessed Easter - Easter is God's gift to us.
ReplyDeleteGreat news! Praying for you in NC