I wanted to post a few pictures of the "Head Shaving" party at our church. How blessed I am to be surrounded by so much love and support. There will be more pictures to come on a later post, but for now here are some I want to share. I truly believe God hears the prayers of little children and here are a few kids that have been praying for me. Kash is Hutch and Maegan's little boy (Hutch is my boss). He was afraid to shave his head but he told me he had been praying for me. He decided to shave his head to help me feel better.

Me & Kash (5yrs old)
These are 3 boys that belong to Jarrod & Rachel Anderson. They were excited about shaving their heads for the party, and wanted to know what kind of cake we were having. Well Pete Mitchell wasn't excited, he just got thrown into the mix of the shaving heads.

Judd (5yrs old),Me, Pete Mitchell (2 yrs old) & Brody (4 yrs old)

Sarah Grace McCoy is a 5 year old that has been praying for me and wanted to bring me flowers.
A dear friend, Susan Tucker, brought me some wigs that had been given to their ministry, Eagle Family. I told her I really didn't want to wear a wig, but would take and donate them to the Cancer Support Home here in Bentonville. After everyone left the worship center, I decided to pull one out and try it on, and from there, I had the other bald men standing around to try them on as well. Here is what came from that special moment:

Ed Newton (the speaker) & Me. Sad thing that is not a wig on him, it's his real hair

Me & Hutch (my boss)

Jerad Sears (worship leader)aka Austin Power's wanna be

(Ed, Jerad, me, Tony & Hutch-all wearing wigs except for Ed)
As you can see, I think the wigs will serve a better place at the Cancer Support Home. "Today is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."
I love that you titled this post "Jesus loves the little children!" because He does and He does hear their prayers. I love you. You are absolutely beautiful without hair!