We usually have our twin granddaughters from California here with us during Spring Break. We weren't sure how I would be feeling after chemo, so we never booked their flights to bring them here. I am sad Kimberly and Kaitlyn aren't with us and we miss them so much. These girls are the sweetest teenage girls you will ever meet.

I am having a very good week. My appetite is back and I feel really good, better than before my diagnosis was given. I have been craving Peanut M&M's and I had Jordan run into Walmart and get me the biggest bag they have. Between my cravings and hot flashes, I wonder if it is pregnancy or menopause?? One minute I am freezing and then my body heats up from the inside and my sweats and the covers have to come off. Crazy, but maybe I am getting everything out of my system at the same time so I will be like a new woman before this is all said and done. :)
"This is the day the Lord has made and I can say I rejoiced and was glad in it."
The hot and cold craziness has got to be the chemo because I have the same problem...right after treatments it could be the steroids as well :)