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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Prayer Warriors Needed"

On Sunday I started having some abdominal pain.  The pain was more severe than it was a year ago when I was first diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.  I have been sleeping in one of our recliners to get relief during the night.  I felt like something was wrong but also believed if it was the chemo causing the pain, I could accept it.  Today it was worse so I called my doctor and they were able to see me earlier this afternoon.  I feel like I've done 1,000 situps and look 6 months pregnant.  I felt if a pin would stick into my stomach, I could get instant relief.   The doctor decided to do a CT scan of my abdomen.  Late this afternoon, it was confirmed from my CT scan done in December, that my tumor cells are growing in my abdomen and fluid is building up in pockets.  The plan is for me to go in tomorrow as an outpatient to remove the fluid from my abdomen and the doctor said I should have immediate relief.  I will be under local anesthesia and an interventional radiologist will be doing the procedure using Ultrasound to see exactly where the fluid has built up.  There is a new chemo drug that has proven to be very effective for Colon, Breast and I think Prostate Cancer.  It has also shown to work in Ovarian Cancer but my insurance it not wanting to pay.  My prayer is that the right person will be able to get past all the paper work and give my doctor the release to treat me as soon as possible.  It's weird that an insurance company can overrule a doctor's prescription that is needed.  I know Who is in control and when God is for you, nothing can stand in His way to work ALL things out for His Glory. 

Here's a verse a dear friend shared with me today and is she is believing and praying it over my life;

1 Peter 1:7

The Message (MSG)
6-7 I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it’s your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory.

I still believe this journey is not about me, but about me allowing God to use me to let others know how amazing He is.  
I can rest in peace tonight knowing that it is well with my soul.  Our faith someday will be sight when we see Him return or He calls us home.   My faith is for His victory!!!

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."


  1. What an amazing testimony you are, Mrs. Pate! I thank God for you and your faith. I pray that God continues to give you strength and courage through this time. I also be pray that everything will work out with the insurance issue.

  2. Janet, I am going to stop and pray for you right now. I am going to ask God to restore you, heal you, give you strength, and give you rest. Amazingly enough, our Lord brought you and your story to my mind today as I drove down the highway, He was getting some prayer warriors lined up for you, I think!! He will have an army of believers praying for your insurance company to let you get the treatment you need!

  3. I heard about you through Kelly Stamps. I wanted to let you know I'm praying. Cancer is scary and overwhelming, but our God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. XO

  4. Praying that the right person can get the paperwork through so you can get the treatment you need. Also praying for peace during this time.

  5. You are such an incredible inspiration to me. I am praying for you and will continue to pray. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

  6. I will be praying for your comfort, your doctor's knowledge and skills, and for relief with your insurance carrier. May you have some peace and rest.

  7. Found you from Kellys Korner. My Heart is heavy for you as we are going through this with my Grandma right now. 5 years ago she was Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. and she beat it!!!!! This Jan it came back in her abdomen as well as the outside of her colon. She just had surgery last week to remove it and is still in the hospital.

    Ovarian Cancer is beatable! She is living proof. Stay strong, and stay strong in the Lord. Never give up!! You are in my prayers!

  8. PRAYING! BE ENCOURAGED as you encourage others!!!

  9. Janet... another reader that found you thru Kelly. I will pray for you tonite, and be in prayer for you and your family tomorrow.

  10. Janet, I prayed for you throughout the song you linked, "It is Well With My Soul"! We belong to HIM. He will see us though. Praying for your comfort, for rest tonight, for relief tomorrow and for the insurance company to MOVE NOW! Yes, we CAN be bold in our prayers! And I am for you!

  11. Praying for you, Janet! What kind of world is it when we have to pray for insurance papers! CRAZY!! But pray, I will... Thank you for your beautiful witness. God is sovereign and with you!
    Susan in Indiana

  12. Janet, I'm in Michigan and we are sisters in Christ and both friends of LaDonna Combs. I am praying for you, for complete healing, for insurance papers, and for the will of God in your life! Your testimony is such a blessing and I know that God is in control and He is and will continue to be glorified through you. In Jesus name, I pray these things for you!!!
    Tammy Edwards, Clio, MI

  13. Sweet Janet, I am Kelly Stamps' mother and I have prayed for you in the past and just want you to know I will continue to pray that God will work all things for the good;that your insurance company will pay for your treatment and mainly that you will be totally healed! Your faith is amazing! I want you to know how much I admire you from afar for being such a wonderful example of a true Christian woman for not only my daughter but all your church family!

    1 Peter 5:10 "And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself RESTORE you and make you STRONG, FIRM and STEADFAST." My prayer for you!

  14. Putting you on the prayer sheet at church tonight. Praying praying praying.

  15. Praying for you Janet. You are such a stong woman. Prayers from East Texas!!!

  16. I am also a reader who found you thru Kellys Korner.. I am in tears as i type this, not tears of sadness because of your struggle, but with tears of joy as you share so openly and willingly your story, and your love for the Lord. He IS all we need, isn't He? !! I do pray that all your petitions before the Lord will be answered and complete healing will be yours. In His love from Kansas. Jill
