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Thursday, February 14, 2013

"True Love"

One year ago today I had my first chemo treatment with my "true love" by my side.  I am so grateful to say today that our love for each other has grown more over this past year and the appreciation I have for Tony Pate is more than I can put into words.  Here is how I would describe my husband's love:

Love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.  It does not demand it's own way.  It is not irritable , and it keeps no record of being wronged.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance." I Corinthians 13::4-5,7

Tony has cherished me and loved me more than I could have ever dreamed or imagined.  I have nothing to give to him physically right now but he continues to nurture and love me all the more.  I was thinking about his love toward me this morning and how blessed I am, then I realized, the love that Jesus has for me is even greater and my heart was overjoyed by such grace.  I am so grateful I'm the one privileged to be Tony Pate's bride.  Happy Valentine's Day to my "True Love"!!!!!

I am scheduled for chemo next Tuesday and as of today I would say my body is not ready for any more treatments.  I've waited all week to hear from a Urologist and for some reason that has not happened.  The thrush is gone from my mouth and throat but I've had no appetite for food.  Tony and I drove to our "favorite" hamburger place in Pea Ridge since we hadn't been there in a long time and he said his burger was wonderful and mine seemed to taste like card board.  I'm all about food so it made me sad that the burger didn't get me going.   I'm ready to enjoy eating again and gaining some weight.  So many women want to lose weight, then there are those of us that would love to gain weight.  I'm praying and trusting that enjoyment of food will come back soon for me. 

Since it isn't fun for me to eat, we decided to give Bryan and Jenna a night together, before baby #2 arrives,
while we kept our "little Valentine" boy.  (You may not be able to watch the following video on your phone or ipad)

I forgot to blog about my first hair cut.  I went last Friday to get it trimmed and shaped up and it was amazing how much she cut off.  I think I will be leaving my hair short and all natural.  It's nice not having to worry about the color, wind, rain or a bad hair day.  It is what it is!

Lots of Gray!!!!

I have a 4 day weekend ahead of me to continue to rest and take care of my body.

Psalms 91:14-16 "Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him, I will protect him, because he knows my name.  When he calls to me, I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.  With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation."  I'm believing and trusting in these verses over my life and the life of others I am praying for. 

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."


  1. Glad your thrush is gone & hope your appetite improves. Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. I will pray that you will once again enjoy food!
    Janice Gordon
    Wilton, NH

  3. Bless your heart and Tony's! What a true testimony to all the Lord can do as Tony continues to serve you and be by your side. I was saddened to read you can't enjoy food and have a need to gain weight, I've been down that road with my precious daughter who battles colitis off and on. She just had our 3rd precious grandson 2 months ago and is already back at her pre baby weight and so many people have made comments about how "skinny" she is. Like you, she would love to be healthy, whole and weigh more! : )
    Enjoy your weekend and rest. I am praying for you!
    Rebecca Lingerfelt

  4. love you, Janet and think of you often!
