This was a weekend the "Steely" friends have waited for. Theresa Bonds and I were to leave yesterday, Wednesday, pick up Joni Hartman in Little Rock and we were all going to head to Nashville, TN to hang out with Julie Gabardi for the weekend. Plans changed a few weeks ago when God revealed the next chapter of His story in my life, so the girls brought the fun weekend to me. Joni & Julie arrived into town around 4:30pm. We are happy to sit around and catch up on life and truly appreciate our time together. Acambaro (Julie's favorite) was for dinner and The Kufahl gang showed up as we were leaving. It was great for old time catching up and a quick trip down memory lane from our past mission trip to Cleveland, OH with the youth group.

Theresa Bonds, Me, Joni Hartman, Julie Gabardi
Once again, I can truly say, "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
how cool that you went to Cleveland, OH...i lived about an hour from there growing up.