Today I have three men in my life I want to acknowledge and thank the Lord for. First there is my "Daddy". He became my "dad" when I was 8 years old. He had almost raised three daughters when he married my mom. Not sure what he was thinking to start over with three more kids, ages 8yrs, 9yrs and 12yrs, but I am so thankful he did. He never made me feel like a "step-daughter" but always made me feel like he had always been my dad. He showed all of us kids how much he loved us and our mom. I never saw my parents fight but always saw them loving on each other. At times I would get embarrassed when my friends were over because my dad would always be loving on my mom. He treated each of my friends like they were his too. He's always told me I was his favorite. For his 80th birthday we gave him a book with different memories each kid and grand-kid had written about him, and almost all of us listed that he had told each one they were his favorite. Thank you Daddy for all the love you have shown to me. For allowing me to be my own person and for loving me no matter what decisions I made in my life. You are the one that taught me how to be loved and to love back. I am thankful for the love you gave to Mother and I never doubted once if you were the right one for her and for us kids. You raised us all well. Thank you for the love you have shown to Bryan and Jordan too. They love their Grandad.

Me and my "Daddy"

Bryan and Grandad "chewing the fat"
Tony is the next man I want to wish a "Happy Father's Day". I know he isn't my dad but I am so grateful that he has given to my kids what I had growing up, a "dad". He's always been the tough, disciplinary one of the two of us, but my kids never had to doubt when he said something, he meant it. My kids are who they are today because of having a "Tony" in their life. Bryan and Jordan were 8yrs and 5yrs when we married and I believe they have seen the same love I saw as a kid with my parents. Thank you Tony for showing my kids your love for me and for them and for being such a great "dad" to them.

Jordan, Tony and Bryan
I am thankful now my son is a dad. Bryan has done a great job of showing Hudson so much love and being a great dad to him. Happy Father's Day Bryan. You are a wonderful "daddy" to Hudson. He is so blessed to have you as a dad.

Bryan and Hudson
I am the person I am today because of these three men in my life.
Psalms 13:6 "I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.""Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."
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