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Thursday, June 14, 2012
"The Joys of Being a G-Ma"
Well my week wasn't so slow or boring after all. Hudson came to our house Tuesday night and stayed with us until tonight, Thursday, when we took him home. Jenna worked both days. Since I didn't have a lot going on with work, I decided to keep him with me all day Wednesday and today. He slept in both days and took great naps. I met Rachel and her boys at the splash park downtown and enjoyed our time together. Susan Byrum came and joined us and bought everyone a Popsicle from the guy that rides around on a bicycle with a cart behind him. He makes homemade popsicles and as you can see in the picture below, Hudson loved his. We have the best small town atmosphere here in Bentonville. I feel at times its like something you would see in a movie. I've loved having Hudson again and being able to pick him up and enjoy time with him. He always makes our days happy.
"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
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