After receiving chemo I had a dermatologist appointment down the street for two spots that were on both sides of my nose, close to my eyes. The doctor came in and examined me head to toe and removed one spot off my back. I went back to my car and was talking to Jordan about the appointment and told her I had a spot removed and she asked what the doctor said about my spots on the face. Oops, the doctor never checked the spots I originally went in for. I had to go back in and explain to the ladies at the front desk my situation (chemo side effect is what I blamed it on) so they got me back in and when the doctor saw the spots she knew immediately they were pre-cancerous spots and froze them. It immediately felt like two bees stung me close to my eyes. I'm not sure what my face will look like these next few days, but I might be a little scary to anyone that sees me.
I had a great visit with my friends in Texas, Judy Lynn and Deborah Mae, on a conference call tonight. It was fun catching up with each other. They had sent me a picture earlier wishing we could all be together, so I asked where they ate today. They had Taco Bueno too!!! True friendship so far away.
"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
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