After 1 1/2 hours of checking in and going over last minute information with parents, our 156 students and 35 adults pulled out of the church parking lot and headed for camp. Back in my day as a camper, we took old school buses that had been turned into church buses with no air conditioning. As you can see from the pictures below, our students are a little spoiled. It took 3 charter buses and 3 SUV's to get everyone to camp. They have arrived safely and I'm sure everyone is exhausted. It is always a lot of work getting settled in on the first day, but after tonight's RAVE, they will all be ready to go for the week. I am sad that I was not part of this trip and was reminded that God has a purpose for me not going. He is the One that directs our steps and we are the ones that can choose to be obedient or not. It sure is hard being obedient at times.
Deuteronomy 13:4 "You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him." I am trusting Him for this season of my life and thankful for the fact that I'm alive and healthy. There is no reason to be all doom and gloom when He has shown me so much grace and knowing that I have today and no promises for my tomorrow.

Traveling in "style"
Hudson came over tonight to hang out while his parent's went to bible study.

Hudson with G-Pa's glasses
We had our first watermelon for the summer that was given to us by David Street's parents. G-Pa, Hudson and I all enjoyed the sweetness of the melon.

You might be a red-neck if you eat watermelon in your lap with an apron on!
"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
that last picture made me laugh! love it!!