27 years ago today I became a mom and my life has never been the same. Growing up my dream was always to be married and be a mom and I really never had the desire to have a profession outside of that calling for my life. God blessed me and Bryan's dad with a 6lb 10oz baby boy on July 10th, 1985. I never had an ultrasound so we weren't sure if he was a boy or girl, but inside we both were hoping for a little boy. I arrived at the hospital at 6:ooam and he was born at 8:45am. Each accomplishment Bryan made always made me excited for the next one and before I knew it, he grew up right before my very eyes. I've always appreciated getting older and the blessing of watching my kids grow up. When Bryan was 8 years old, his dad died from AIDS. I know God's hand was over me and protected me from that disease because there is no explanation of why I was spared from it other than God's Amazing Grace. At the age of 8, Bryan took on a lot from losing his dad. I know he misses him and would love for his dad to see what an amazing husband and dad he has become. Bryan has always been close to me and Jordan and our family has been blessed with an amazing young man. I'm not sure I've gone a day without talking to Bryan, even when he left for college. People have joked at times that Bryan is a "momma's boy" but I can truly say, I am one proud momma!!! I love you Bryan and couldn't be more proud to have a son like you and you are an incredible husband and dad for Jenna and Hudson. May you always allow God to direct your path and keep your eyes on Him and know He will never fail you. Below is a poem Bryan's dad wrote to him the year he died:
In Recognition of: Bryan
Dancing to the rhythm of life, Your thoughts as pure as a mountain stream.
How much more innocence must we see, than to look into your twinkling eyes. You, who have taken loving kindness on your own and given it to us so generously, and sometimes forcefully because we don't know how to receive it. It is also you that helps us see our own misgivings through your peaceful acceptance of our faults. You hide your pain even when ours is placed upon your shoulders, and yet you are just a child. What wondrous feats you will achieve, even if short of this world's knowledge, for you posses a heart of a gold and sliver that rains down on every life you touch, a heart that is filled by God's own hand. And Bryan, forgive me where I failed you as a father of first born, my love for you will stretch beyond this universe and life itself, not because of my strength, but because of your young accomplishment to bond our hearts together for eternity.
I love you Bryan, Your Father 4-'93

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Amazing!!! Beautifully written!!! (Nice 80's hair Janet!!!)