Hudson has been super sweet and we have loved having him with us. I know his mommy is missing him while she is on a mission trip in Mexico. He will be so happy to see her again. We all love and miss you Jenna!
I went in for lab work and to see the doctor today. Dr. Waller was very pleased with all my blood work numbers. She said I picked a hard way out of getting my chemo postponed for two weeks by being in the hospital. I am scheduled for round #6 this Thursday. They will call me tomorrow with my cancer markers (CA125). I asked her why my markers went up so much since surgery. The day of my surgery I was at 46 which originally I started at 288. Since my surgery, my numbers were 202, then dropped to 172. She was very positive and explained that my numbers are good compared to what she usually sees. A lot of times her patience are way up in the 1,000 and she didn't want to make light of my numbers but said it was good to see them coming down and not going up. If my numbers are good tomorrow, after this next round of chemo, I will go on the maintenance program which will be once a month and only receive one of the chemo drugs, Taxol. I went back and read what Dr. Ivy said to me and my family the first time we met to discuss my treatment plan and I'm reminded once again how Awesome our God is. Below is what Jenna blogged on that day:
The biggest blessing is one of the last things that the doctor said to us...
That there is "no reason to not expect a complete response".
She is fighting, and she has a BIG God fighting on her side. We know that the battle is just beginning but we also know who has already won.
I am so thankful to have God's constant reminders of His great love for me. I know this journey is not complete but what a blessing to look back over these past 5 months and see how God has already carried me and my family. The peace and strength He has given me has been amazing and I will continue to say, it's called "Grace".
I'm not sure what tomorrow holds with finding out my CA125 number, but I can say;
"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
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