Tomorrow I go in for round #6 of chemo, and today I received a phone call from the Oncologist to let me know my CA125 is down to 83.7. That is a huge praise!! Last chemo I was at 172.2, so my cancer markers went down over half. Each day God continues to give me grace and strength to keep my hope and trust in Him and not in my circumstances. I still believe the faithful prayers of others are what God is hearing and that He is seeing me through each new day that I am blessed with. Tonight Maegan Kufahl brought me the picture below and it was another reminder to me of God's faithfulness.

Thank you Maegan!
Matthew 19:26 "But Jesus looked at them and said, with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." I will never forget the words from Kathy Hedges, an amazing Bible study teacher and dear friend. When someone uses the word "but" in a sentence, it always erases the words said before it. I think the "but God" reminds me Who is in control of everyday of my life and I choose to cling to Him.
"Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."
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