My parents came for a visit a few weeks ago and I wanted to post a few pictures from the weekend. My professional photographer, aka Bryan, had to be reminded to send me the pictures. :) I was so blessed to have them here for a visit and cherished our time together.

Hudson, Bryan, MawMaw, Grandad, Me and Jordan

My dad, mom, me and Hudson at the Farmer's Market.

Daddy, Mother and Me

Jordan, MawMaw & Bryan

Jordan, my mom and Me

4 generations=Hudson, Bryan, MawMaw and Me

MawMaw & David (I think he met my parents approval)
God has been so good to our family and I am so thankful for our time and memories we share together. I wish we lived closer together but I am thankful for the technology today that keeps us close in spirit and heart. I love you lots Mother and Daddy. Thank you for being amazing parents and grandparents/great-grandparents!
"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
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