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Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Help Too"

We have almost survived our weekend and so thankful that this past round of chemo has left no side effects on me.  I actually feel like I didn't receive any treatment.  I don't like talking about how good I've felt, because I feel like Satan waits around looking for opportunities to knock us down if we speak out loud.  I am thankful God is the One in control over my life and for the many prayers He has answered on my behalf.  I truly don't understand His Amazing Grace!

We are praying that someone comes out early in the morning to interview/evaluate Tony's mom in order to get her in the nursing home tomorrow.  His plate was full this weekend but so thankful God gave him the grace to take care of his mom's needs, including giving her a shower.  God even watched over "Grandma" yesterday morning.  Tony had to move around her and for the 2 seconds he let her go, she fell in the floor and hit her head and back on the toilet.  There were no major injuries and she is fine today from the fall.

The below video is priceless of how much Hudson wanted to help out with "Grandma" this weekend.  He always says "help too".   My disclaimer on showing this video,  no one was injured.

I leave tomorrow for the Passion 2013 conference in Atlanta, GA.  This conference is designed for college students and a small portion of high school seniors.  A small percentage of adults can attend and I am one of the few that has been blessed to go.   We will be traveling by charter bus all through the night and arrive in Atlanta on Tuesday around noon.  This is the first year the Georgia Dome will be opened up to full capacity of 70,000 people.  To be with that many people at one time praising and worshiping our Savior seems like what a small glimpse of what Heaven might be like.  In the past you could go to the website and watch a live stream of the large sessions.  It would be a blessing to anyone to see so many in one arena lifting up their hearts to the One that can make a difference in their lives and in this world.   If you are interested in watching you can click on the following link to get more info.  The first live stream will not be until Tuesday evening.

"Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

1 comment:

  1. I am a college girl from NC and am also headed to Passion! Maybe we will run into each other?! I hope you have a wonderful, God-filled time!
